Maps and directions

If you need to find your way from the airport or around the Mazarrón area our maps and directions give you the information you need. We also have details about the AP7 toll road and the applicable charges.

Interactive map

Interactive map

This map includes all the major towns and locations in the Mazarrón area with the roads and motorways that connect them.

View the interactive map

AP7 motorway toll charges

AP7 motorway toll charges

Full price list of the applicable charges on the AP7 motorway.

View the AP7 motorway toll charges

Directions from Murcia - San Javier (MJV) airport

Directions from Murcia - San Javier (MJV) airport

Detailed directions with a clearly labled map from Murcia - San Javier (MJV) airport to Mazarrón.

View directions from Murcia - San Javier (MJV) airport

Directions from Almeria (LEI) airport

Directions from Almeria (LEI) airport

Detailed directions with a clearly labled map from Almeria (LEI) airport to Mazarrón.

View directions from Almeria (LEI) airport

Directions from Alicante (ALC) airport

Directions from Alicante (ALC) airport

Detailed directions with a clearly labled map from Alicante (ALC) airport to Mazarrón.

View directions from Alicante (ALC) airport